Stone Dictionary Part 1 (A---F)
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Abrasive finish : a flat non-reflective surface finish for marble.

Abutment : a solid stone springer at the lowest point of an arch or vault.

Adhered : veneer secured and supported through adhesion to an approved bonding material applied over an approved backing.

Agate : a variegated variety of quartz showing colored bands or other markings (clouded. Moss-like etc)

Anchors : types for stonework include those made of flat stock (strap, cramps, dovetails, dowel, strap and dowel and two-way anchors) and round stock (rod cramp, rod anchor, eyebolt and dowel, flat-hood wall the and dowel and wire toggle bolt.

Arch : a curved stone structure resting on supports at both extremities used to sustain weight, to bridge or roof open space.

Architrave : the member of an entablature resting on the capitals of columns and supporting the frieze.

Argillite : a compact sedimentary rock composed mainly of clay and aluminium silicate minerals.

Arkose : a sandstone containing 10 per cent or more clastic grains of feldspar. Also called arkosic sandstone, feldspathick sandstone.

Arris : a natural or applied line on the stone from which all levelling and plumbing is measured.

Ahslar : masonry having a face of square or rectangular stones, either smooth or textured.


Back arch : a concealed arch carrying the backing of a wall where the exterior facing is carried by lintel.

Baluster : a dense textured (aphanitic), igneous rock relatively high in iron and magnesia minerals and latively low in silica, generally dark grey to black and feldspatic; a general term in contradistinction to felsite. A light-coloured feldspatic and highly siliceous rock of similar texture and origin.

Bed : the top or bottom of a joint, natural bed; surface or stone parallel to its stratification.

Bed : In granites and marbles, a layer or sheet of the rock mass that is horizontal, commonly curved and lenticular, as developed by fractures. Sometime applied also to the surface of parting between sheets.

Bed (1) : In stratified rocks the unit layer formed by sedimentation; of variable thickness, and commonly titled or distorted by subsequent deformation; generally develops a rock cleavage; parting, or jointing along the planes of stratification.

Belt course : a continuous horizontal course of flat stones placed in line marking a division in the wall plane.

Bevel : when the angle between two sides is greater or less than a right angle.

Bluestone : a dense, hard, fine-grained, commonly feldspatic sandstone or siltstone of medium to dark or bluish-grey colour that splits readily along original bedding planes to form thin slabs, Bluestone is not a technical geologic term. It is considered to be a variety of flagstones, the thin relatively smooth-surfaced slabs being suitable for use as flagging. The term has been applied particularly to sandstone of Devonian age that are being or have been quarried in eastern  New York and Pennsylvania and in western New Jersey, but similar stones that occur elsewhere may be included. It has also been applied in places to thinly layered gneisses and schist that can be split and used as flagging, but such stones are not properly embraced by this definition although they may be marketed properly as flagstone.

Bond stone : used in varying percentages to anchor or bond the stone veneer to the backing material. Bond stones are generally cut to twice the bed thickness of the material being used.

Border stone : usually a flat stone used as an edging material. A border stone is generally used to retain the field of the terrace of platform.

Box : a tapered metal box wedged in the top of columns or other heavy stones for hoisting.

Broach : to drill or cut out material left between closely spaced drill holes; a mason’s sharp-pointed chisel for dressing stone; an inclined piece of masonry filling the triangular space between the base of an octagonal spire and the top of a square tower; a type of chisel used for working narrow surfaces.

Brownstone : sandstone of characteristic brown or reddish-brown colour that is due to a prominent amount of iron oxide, as interstitial material.

Brushed finish : Obtained by brushing the stone with a coarse rotary-type wire brush.

Building stone, natural : rock material in its natural state of composition and aggregation as it exists in the quarry and is usable in construction as dimension building stone.

Bull nose : convex rounding of a stone member, such as a stair tread.


Calcarenite : limestone composed predominantly of clastic sand-size grains of calcite, or rarely aragonite, usually as fragments of shells or other skeletal structures. Some calcarenite contain oolites (small, spherical grains of calcium carbonate that resemble roe) and may be termed oolite limestone. Calcareous sandstone, in which the calcium carbonate is present chiefly as bonding material, are not included in this category.

Calcite limestone : a limestone containing not more than five per cent of magnesium carbonate.

Calcite streaks : description of a white or milky-like streak occurring in stone. It is a joint plane usually wider than a glass seam and has been re-cemented by deposition of calcite in the crack and is structurally sound.

Canopy : a sheltering roof, as over a niche or a doorway.

Capital : the culminating stone at the top of a column or pilaster often richly carved.

Carve : shaping, by cutting a design to form the trade of a sculptor.

Caulking : making a marble joint tight or leak-proof by sealing with an elastic adhesive compound.

Cavity vent : an opening in joints of masonry to allow the passage of air and moisture from the wall cavity to the exterior.

Cement putty : a thick, creamy mixture made with pure cement and water which is used to strengthen the bond between the store and the setting bed, also called cement butter cement cream.

Chamfer : to bevel the junction of an exterior angle.

Chat-sawn finish : a rough gangsaw finish produced by sawing with coarse chat.

Cladding : non-loadbearing stone used as the facing material in wall construction that contains other materials.

Cleavage : the ability of a rock mass to break along natural surfaces; a surface of natural parting.

Cleavage plane : plane or planes along which a stone may likely break or de-laminate.

Coating : a protective or decorative converting applied to the surface or impregnated into stone for such purposes as
waterproofing enhancing resistance to weathering, wear, and chemical action, or improving appearance of the stone.

Cobblestone : a natural rounded stone, large enough for use in paving; commonly used to describe paving blocks, usually granite, generally cut to rectangular shapes.

Commercial marble : a crystalline rock composed predominantly of calcite dolomite and/or serpentine, and capable of taking a polish.

Composite : a construction unit in which stone that is to be exposed in the final use is permanently bonded or joined to other material, which may be stone or manufactured material, that will be concealed.

Contraction joint : spaces where panels are joined and which expand as the panels contract.

Control joint : provision for the dimensional change of different parts of a structure due to shrinkage, expansion, temperature variation or other causes so as to avoid the development of high stresses.

Coping : a flat stone used as a cap on freestanding walls.

Coquina : limestone composed predominantly of unaltered shells or fragments of shells loosely cemented by calcite, generally very coarse-textured with a high porosity. The term has been applied principally to a very porous shell rock of Eocene age that has been quarried in Florida.

Corbel plates : plates of non-ferrous metal fixed into a structure to support stone cladding at intervals and over opening in such a way as not to be visible.

Cornerstone : a stone forming a part of a corner or angle in a wall. Also a stone laid at the formal inauguration of the erection of a building, not necessarily at a corner, usually incorporating a date or inscription.

Cornice : a moulded projecting stone at the top of an entablature.

Course : a horizontal range of stone units the length of the wall. Coursed veneer : this is achieved by using stones of the same or approximately the same height. Horizontal joints run the entire length of the veneered area. Vertical joins are constantly broken so that no two joints will be over one another.

Crack : a break, split, fracture, fissure, separation, cleavage or elongated narrow opening, however caused, visible without magnification to the human eye and extending from the surface into the stone, that must extend through the grain or matrix.

Cross bedding : the arrangement of laminations of strata transverse or oblique to the main planes of stratification.

Crowfoot (styoite) : description of a dark grey to black zigzag marking occurring in stone. Usually structurally sound.

Crystalline limestone : a limestone, either calcitic or dolomitic, composed of interlocking crystalline grains of the constituent minerals and of phaneritic texture; commonly used synonymously with marble an thus representing a re-crystallised limestone; improperly applied to limestone that display some obviously crystalline grains in a fine-grained mass but which
are not of interlocking texture and do not compose the entire mass. Note: All limestone are microscopically, or in part megascopically, crystalline; the term is thus confusing but should be restricted to stones that are completely crystalline and of megascopic and interlocking texture and that may be classed as marbles.)

Curbing : slabs and blocks of stone bordering streets, walks, etc.

Cut stone : stone fabricated to specific dimensions

Cutting stock : a term used to describe slabs of varying size, finish and thickness which are used in fabricating tread, risers, copings, borders, sills, stools, hearths, mantels, and other special purpose stones.


Dacite : a fine-grained, extrusive (volcanic) rock, intermediate in colour and composition between basalt and rhyolite.

Damp proofing : one or more coating of a compound that is impervious to water applied to a surface above grade.

Defect : those features, which affect or have the potential of affecting the structural soundness of building stone, or may affect the durability of the building stone. Sometimes used for visual features such as xenoliths or veins.

Dentil : Blocks projections on an entablature.

Dentil course : the lower part of the cornice with dentils. The cornice is jointed to allow machine production of the dentils.

Dentil : small, rectangular blocks under a classical cornice, resembling a row of teeth.

Dimension stone : natural building stone that has been selected, trimmed of cut to specified or indicated shapes or sizes with or without one or more mechanically dressed surfaces.

Dolomitic limestone : a limestone rich in magnesium carbonate, frequently somewhat crystalline in character, found in ledge formations in a wide variety of colour tones and textures. Generally speaking, its crushing and tensile strengths are greater than the oolitic limestone and its appearance shows greater variety in texture.

Dowel : a short piece of non-ferrous metal or slate fixed into a mortise or sinking in the joints of adjoining stones to prevent movement.

Dressed or handed-dressed : the cutting of rough chunks of stone by hand to create a square or rectangular shape. A stone that is sold as dressed stone generally refers to stone ready for installation. Sometimes called scabbling.

Drip : a recess cut under a sill or projecting stone to throw off water, preventing it from running down the face of the wall or other surface, such as a window or door.

Dripstone : a projecting moulding over the heads of doorways, windows and archways to throw off the rain. Also known as a "hoodmould" and, when rectangular, as a "label".

Dry : an open or unhealed joint plane not filled with calcite and not structurally sound.

Dry wall : a dry wall is a stone wall that is constructed one stone upon the other without the use of any mortar. Generally used for retaining walls.

Durability : the measure of the ability of natural building stone to endure and to maintain its essential and distinctive characteristics of strength, resistance to decay, and appearance, with relation to a specific manner, purpose, and environment of use.


Efflorescence : a crystalline deposit appearing on stone surfaces typically caused by soluble salts carried through or onto the stone by moisture, which has sometimes been found to come from brick, tile, concrete blocks, cement, mortar, concrete, and similar materials in the wall or above.

Entablature : in classical architecture, the upper part of an order, comprising architrave, frieze, and cornice.

Entasis : the curve of the upper two-thirds of a column.

Expansion bolt : a socket that grips a drilled hole in stone by expanding as the bolt is screwed into it.

Expansion-contraction joint : a joint between marble units designed to expand or contract with temperature changes. An expansion joint compresses as panels expand.

Exposed aggregate : phrase applied to the larger pieces of stone aggregate purposefully exposed for their colour and texture in a cast slab.

Face : this refers to the exposed portion of stone. The word "face" can also be used when referring to the edge treatment on various cutting stock materials.

Fascia : a horizontal belt or vertical faces; often used in combination with mouldings.


Ferriginous : limestone or sandstone containing a high proportion of iron oxide.

Field stone : loose blocks separated from ledges by natural processes and scattered through or upon the regolith ("soil") cover, applied also to similar transported materials, such as glacial boulders and cobbles.

Filling : a trade expression used in the fabrication of marble to indicate the filling of natural voids with cements, shellac or synthetic resins and similar materials.

Fines : the powder, dust, silt-size and sand-size material resulting from processing (usually crushing) rock.

Finish : final surface applied to the face of stone during fabrication.

Finished stone : building stone with one or more mechanically dressed surfaces.

Fireproof : relatively incombustible.

Flagstone : thin slabs of stone used for flagging or paving walks, driveways, patios, etc. It is generally fine-grained sandstone, bluestone, quartzite or slate, but thin slabs of other stones may be used.

Fleuri cut : cutting quarried marble or stone parallel to the natural bedding plane.

Flooring : stone used as an interior pedestrian wearing surface.

Fracture : a break in rock produced by mechanical failure. Fractures include faults and joints.

Freestone : a stone that may be cut freely in any direction without fracture or splitting.

(article from inspectstone)