Identification properties of granite materials |
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issue time:2006-06-22 13:51
The basic identification properties of granite materials are actually the main parameters by which they are assessed.
Hardness is the property of granite material to resist the penetration of a solid body of higher hardness. This parameter depends on the density, location and size of the mineral grains composing the material as well as their cohesion. The hardness of the material is determined by the constituent minerals. They should have a hardness of 6 or higher by Mohs’ scale.
Hardness is mainly a technological parameter of granite materials and determines largely the technology and labor consumption of their processing. The rock blocks are most economically cut by sawmill cutters and free abrasive (shot). Sometimes the blocks can be cut by cutting machines with orthogonal disc saws. Granite materials are best cut by percussive tools.
The durability of granite material is defined as its capacity to preserve the physico-mechanical and decorative properties of the processed surfaces depending on the service life. This parameter is determined by the strength, structure, mineral composition and cracking of the material. The larger the mineral grains, the lower the strength and durability of the material. Therefore, fine-grained materials are most durable. Besides, the more homogeneous the material, the higher its durability. The most durable material is quartz whose polished surface starts to destroy after 600 – 700 years. Less durable is granite of high quartz content, then come gabbro, labradorite, etc.
(article from inspectstone)