Travertine can be cut on either a "vein" cut, which is against the bedding which reveals the bedding planes, or a "fleuri" cut, which is along the bedding plane and reveals a flowery, often circular pattern. This cut is also referred to as a "crosscut" pattern
The vein cut travertine is usually produced as unfilled but honed / polished. The biggest interest for the vein cut travertine comes from Israel, Spain and UAE mostly.
At the moment despite recent years; very few quarries are extracting material suitable for Vein cut travertine. Although every travertine can be cut as vein cut; they come out with black lines and dirty appearance if the material is not suitable for vein cutting.
Nowadays most of the travertine factories and quarries are working cross-cut tiles. In Turkey cross cut may sometimes be called as American cutting. This is probably because of the high demand of United States to the cross cut travertine.
In the production side, although it seems as if it is the same working with vein cut and cross cut; in reality working with cross cut is more harder. First of all; there exists more selections of the tiles compared to vein cut tiles. Also 90% of cross cut travertine tiles are being asked as filled; means a lot of hard working. Also for production the chissled edge finishings, tumbled materials and mosaics; cross cut travertine is being used.